A short-term disability policy is a superb approach to safeguarding your earned income. With this policy, you can have a substitute for your income that will cover your monthly expenses when you cannot work. Your mortgage, utilities, rent, car loan, and more get paid through this system if you cannot fulfill your work duties due to an injury or illness.
With disability coverage, you receive a portion of your salary in cases of non-job-related medical issues that stop you from completing your work task for a temporary period. This arrangement is only for problems not related to your employment. Workers compensation policies get used for injuries that occur while you are on duty.
How Long Can Short-Term Disability Last?
As the name indicates, your short-term disability insurance in Florida gets used to assist with momentary ailments or afflictions that keep you away from your work. The payments may happen for as little as thirty days or as long as a year, depending on the policy.
It is possible that you could still have your impairing condition when your short-term disability benefits run out. In this situation, your long-term disability plan and your short-term disability plan will work in cooperation with each other. You can have a long-term disability policy go into effect and provide some income until you return to work.
What Circumstances Qualify for Short-Term Disability?
The circumstances that qualify you for Florida disability insurance depend on how the policy. Yet, the standard conditions of getting this coverage require that you cannot accomplish your routine job duties. Also, you must have documentation signed by a doctor or other approved healthcare professional. Typical situations that permit you to use short-term disability include severe illness, painful injuries, mental health issues, and recovery from accidents, surgeries, pregnancies, and childbirth.
What Amount Does Short-Term Disability Pay?
The amount paid to you with short-term disability insurance in Florida will be a percentage of your typical wages. Because the payments are coming to you based on a separate system, they may not match the timing of the regular payroll.
Ensuring Your Job Is Available When You Return
Florida disability insurance protection is available to replace your wages but cannot provide job protection. You would need approval for your leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to confirm that your employer will accept you back after your time of impairment.
Applying for Short Term Disability
Short-term disability is generally part of a group plan provided through your employer. By gaining coverage this way, it is a guaranteed issue, where you automatically gain coverage without a need for underwriting. If this is not something that your employer offers, you can contact a private broker or agent to purchase a policy. Or, you can ask your employer to incorporate the policy as part of your benefits package.
Florida disability insurance relieves the financial impact that can occur when an injury or illness keeps you from reporting to work. For additional information on short-term disability insurance, please contact National Risk Experts to learn more.